Introduction to Applying LC-MS in Untargeted Metabolomics

This 3-day practical based course hosted by the Liverpool Training Centre for Metabolomics will introduce attendees how to apply LC-MS in untargeted metabolomics. You will gain hands-on experience in the preparation and analysis of samples and data analysis. The course is designed to develop your knowledge, skills and confidence to apply metabolomics in your own research. Bursaries available for MRC-funded researchers. (4-6 March 2024 and 20-22 May 2024).

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Hands-on LC-MS for Metabolic Profiling

This week long course hosted by Imperial College London aims to cover how to perform a metabolic profiling experiment, from start to finish. It will cover study design, sample preparation, the use of mass spectrometry for global profiling and targeted methodologies and data analysis (Date: coming soon).

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Hands-on NMR Spectroscopy for Metabolic Profiling

This week-long course hosted by Imperial College London will describe from both theoretical and practical point of views, how to carry on an NMR based metabolic profiling project. It will cover study design, sample preparation, NMR spectrometer set up, quality control, data analysis, and metabolite identification (Date: TBC).

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Introduction to metabolomics analysis

This 4-day course will provide an introduction to metabolomics using publicly available data, software and tools. Participants will become familiar with the current state of experimental design, data acquisition (LC-MS, GC-MS, MS imaging), processing and modelling, community standards and sharing of data via the EMBL-EBI’s MetaboLights repository and Galaxy infrastructure. (Date: 14-17 May 2024, applications close 28 January 2024).

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