MAP/UK Partner site: University of Aberdeen

University of Aberdeen Rowett institute

Dietary Metabolite Analysis

Our research focuses on understanding the relationship between diet and human health. We use predominantly mass spectrometry (Thermo TSQ 9000 GC-MS/MS, Shimadzu 8060 LC-MS/MS and Agilent 6490 LC-MS/MS) for the targeted analysis of important dietary and endogenous metabolites, particularly those with relevance to maintaining human health. These include analysis of nutrient metabolites of sugars, amino acids, fatty acids, micronutrient vitamins and minerals. We have also developed methods to measure a wide range of non-nutrient phytochemical and microbial metabolites in which we have unique expertise. These can be measured in plants, foods, whole diets and biological samples from our human studies, as well as underpinning in vitro research. 

Nutrient Metabolites – Professor Baukje de Roos

Phytochemical and Microbial Metabolites – Professor Wendy Russell

Analytical Resources Manager – Gary Cameron